Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 32 - Monday. Ugh.

I don't like Mondays. I know I say this every Monday, but I really don't like having one day with 50 minute classes. I also get used to not seeing all my students in a single day, so Monday's really throw me off. Oh well, it was an alright day. 1st period got to have their lecture with Carrie, which took the entire class period. I then spent 2 hours planning for 4th and 5th period. They needed to finish their activity from last week, but then I needed to fill up the second part of class. I made up another writing activity for them, which I think they took at least somewhat seriously. They had to write an "Imagine" letter. They were supposed to imagine that they lived in the early 1900s, when the women's suffrage movement was gaining a lot of support. They were supposed to write a letter to a future grandchild explaining the issue, their opinion of it, and make "predictions" for the future. We'll see how it goes when I grade their responses.

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