Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 7- Rocking the boat, Part 2

Oh, what a Thursday . . . As I predicted, first period was not all that excited about the new seating arrangements, but like the other classes, they got over it (for the most part) after a few minutes. Attitudes about new seats was not the worst we had to deal with, though. I don't want this blog to turn into a rant, so I will give  a brief summary of the 100 minutes that was 1st period:
1. Some students complained about not reviewing enough before the quiz.
2. The same students complained that the quiz was not like the quizzes they are used to to.
3. Many students were disrespectful during the quiz, talking and being a distraction to those still working.
4. Some students complained about working in assigned groups.

This is a calm way of explaining how Carrie and I felt after 1st period. She didn't even get to show them the video she brought in because we spent a lot of time dealing with other issues. During our planning period, our supervising teacher assured us that there was nothing wrong with us or Carrie's lesson, but that this particular group of students have this "culture" of testing teachers and pushing the limits. I got used to experiencing this during my practicum with these students back in September, but Carrie is still getting used to it.

The whole thing was really frustrating because:
1. Although their teacher usually takes longer to review before a quiz, we had a lesson we wanted to teach, and the students had an hour on Friday to get ready for the quiz and ask us questions. Most of them spent the time talking and not doing their work. So I don't really feel sorry for them.
2. I based my quiz off of the quizzes they are used to taking. And the students who complained about it all did well. They can try to ruffle my feathers on this issue, but it's not going to work.
3. The disrespect and rudeness towards fellow classmates really bothered me. I guess I was lucky that I didn't have problems like this in my own high school classes, but I was also lucky to be in advanced classes where people generally cared about school and doing well. Carrie and I are both not used to watching people be so disrespectful and then having to deal with it as the people in charge.
4. Most of the students told us they prefer doing activities to listening to lectures, so Carrie planned an activity where the students get to work with two different groups. To keep things organized, the groups were assigned, but apparently group work is only acceptable when the students choose their own groups. The students want groups so we give it to them, but they only want it on their terms. Well, that's not going to happen (as long as I can keep my sanity together).

So, Thursday was a frustrating day (I went home and ate mint chocolate chip ice cream, the great panacea). Part of the problem is that right now, we are scheduled to do all of our lessons for the first time with 1st period. We need to switch it up at some point so that we start with 4th period so that by the time 1st period rolls around we have the lesson under our belts. This is going to be a challenge over the next 8 weeks, but I am so glad to be going through this now, under the guidance of an experienced teacher and with a partner, so that when I have my own classroom I won't be freaked out when I have a class like 1st period.

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